Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hello All!

Well this is officially our first Blog! I've been meaning to do something like this for a while. Hope you guys enjoy it!

Tomorrow is a big day! Pat and I are getting a new roof on our house. Well overdue, expensive, but worth it.

The weather is starting to get cool. Mornings are starting to feel like Fall. Some trees are starting to change colors.

Ry is home for the moment but will soon be off to another job. My work is going good and so is Pats. The economy sucks right now but at least we have our jobs and a home to go to at the end of the day!! We cant complain!


Rache said...

amen to all of that. Love that you made a blog, keep it up, so I can see whats going on in your life. We finally moved in last saturday and have been trying to unpack. I love this house. A one story with vaulted ceilings. I have to get pictures but our camera is on the fritz.

Clouse House said...

How on earth do I add friends, and join your blog?