Friday, May 29, 2009

One Step Closer

Well tonight was a very important night for us. We are one step closer to becoming Foster Parents.

Pat and I hope that all of our family and friends will be there to support us through this journey. We want to provide the children that are placed with us a loving home that is filled with support, love, care, and security. We hope you will join us on this journey and path we have decided to take.

Laura & Pat


Bobby G said...

i didnt know you guys were trying to be foster parents! Congrats! its a tough journey I hear, but totally worth it!

Unknown said...

It is hard to believe that you are better people then I have always known you are.. You have my support and my blessing, and I am anxious to learn more of your adventure... I am sure you have enough love and patients (sp?) to be wonderful parents foster or biological.. lucky kids..