Saturday, August 8, 2009

Got Eggs? I do!

So I thought I would update everyone on our status. This month we started our hormone treatment for the IVF. The hormones will help me produce mass amounts of eggs. The more the better and this will help our chances in a good embryo transfer.

Over the past week I had 3 blood draws to measure my estrogen level. Day 1 it was at 26, 5 days later it was 265, 2 days after that it was up to 615. I am woman hear me roar! I feel like a walking zombie that can throw up and cry one minute and bite the head off any living thing around me the next. Luckily Pat is a wonderful husband and has done everything he can to make me feel half way human.

Today I went in for my ultra sound to measure and count the follicles I have been growing. I had a feeling I had a lot growing since I am no longer able to button my pants and elastic or draw string pants have become better than sliced bread in my eyes.

I heard the doctor start to count, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22...thats when I started to feel a little dizzy. Over 20 follicles mature enough to retrieve for IVF! They told me they were going to recount them again and would be back. The doctor came back into the room, went over my pre-op work sheet and explained the risks of everything. I signed away still dizzy from the numbers. I asked him as I was walking out of the many did I have again? All of them, he said. He told me he was going to recount all of them and call me this afternoon. They were impressed with the amount of follicles I produced. Lets just hope each follicle contains an egg!

Looks like Tuesday we will go in for the retrieval and then Friday they will do the embryo transfer.

Below is an example of an ultra sound taken of ONE ovary with multiple follicles. Yep I saw two ovaries today just like that one!


Rami Rachel said...

All I can say is Wow. This is probably so crazy for you right now. And dealing with all your emotions. haha watch out pat tread easily. Well Im have you in my thoughts and pray for the best.

Clouse House said...

Thank you Rachel. It has been a very long and crazy road. I think of Mr. Toads crazy car ride at Disneyland when I look at everything we have gone through.