From Laura:
This past Tuesday was very important to both Pat & me. We as Citizens of the United States of America were able to vote for a new President. Tuesday was even more memorable because this was Pat's first time voting. Since it was Pat's first time voting he asked me if I would wait and go with him after he got out of work. Around 6:30 pm we got in the car and drove to the Baptist Church around the corner from our house. We pulled up and the parking lot was packed! I thought we would have to wait in line for a while but to my surprise we walked in and the crowd had passed! We were able to walk right up to the tables. We each gave them our drivers license and filled out our info. We were handed our voting ballots and away we voted.
I'm so happy Pat was able to cast his first vote with me!
From Pat:
Yep, this was my first time voting. This was the first time in my life that I was honestly interested in voting. I was really excited to cast my vote. As I drove to work the morning of the election, all the polling stations were absolutely packed. Most of the time when I see a line form, I'm not the kind of person to get excited to be a part of it. This event on the the other hand, was quite to the contrary. I listened to all of the drama on the news. At work I sat back and watched my coworkers argue all day over the presidents and proposals. Needless to say it was quite entertaining.
I left work at 6pm, went right home and gave Laura her daily "I love you" and "gimme a kiss" routine that could possibly be more accurate than any atomic clock. We gathered out things and headed out. Laura described the voting experience perfectly, short of a few embarassing moments.
First off, I decided to mess the first ballot up. It took 5 to 7 minutes to get another. During my wait for the ever elusive second chance ballot, I looked over at Laura and she was already at the door, done. I can't put socks on as fast as she votes. We caught each others eyes and I whispered "I messed this one up" as I pointed at my ballot. Without hesitation, Laura decided to announce to the general population of the Baptist Church "are you serious????". Needless to say, there were some heads turning. I think the window of one car actually blew out.
So, I got the second ballot after that event, did my duty and that was that. It was everything I expected voting for the first time. Excitement, tension, humiliation and laughter...all wrapped up in one soft taco.
Pat out.