Tuesday, May 25, 2010

1+1 = Husband and Wife, 1+1+1 = A Family

Pat and I met 5 years ago this coming Monday. The moment I met him I knew I was going to marry him. We had a connection like no other and everything just seemed to fit perfectly. We had so many things in common and so many things we could do apart. At the end of the day we could both sit on the couch and look at each other and be perfectly content with our lives and all the stresses of the day would disappear.

Pat and I got married December 1, 2007. It was the happiest day of my life. We have a beautiful home, a happy life together and memories we can look back on when we are old. Life felt complete. I had a husband and Pat had a wife. We had puppies that loved us and friends to enjoy the sunshine with. But deep down something was missing.

Before we were married Pat and I both knew we wanted a family. We wanted to have children to raise and make new memories with. We wanted to take them to swim lessons, play catch in the front yard, teach them to ride their bikes. Our struggle was long and took a toll on us emotionally. But after 2 years of struggling infertility we became pregnant.

Grace Ryan turned us from husband and wife into a family on May 5th, 2010. The sleepless nights, the feedings, the emotional and physical roller coaster they call parenthood has been wonderful. We wouldn't change a thing because this little miracle has made our dreams come true and we are now a happy family looking forward to all the new memories we have ahead of us.


Rami Rachel said...

wow you have grace being born, your birthday then your anniversary. Thats a busy month. lol. Im so glad your loving mommyhood. Im so happy for you guys!

Jessica Freeze said...

congratulations, pat and laura! she's beautiful.



~J Freeze