Saturday, May 22, 2010

Grace Ryan Clouse

Our Birth Story...
It was around 12:30am on May 5th when I woke up to some back pain. I got up, moved around a bit thinking it was still false labor. The false labor I had been suffering from for over a week and had caused 2 trips to triage. By 3am the pain had gotten worse and I was having contractions 6min apart so I called triage. They told me to head on in so I woke Pat up and we headed to the hospital. After 30 min in triage they sent us home and told me to come back when the contractions had gotten stronger and I couldnt talk or walk. What!! I was miserable and they were sending me home! The main issue was that I wasnt dilating. I had been stuck at 1cm for a week.

I had my 40wk appt that day at 11:30 so I figured I would just wait it out and go in to see what my doctor could do then. By 10am I was ready to rip the pillows on the bed in half. I thought if I didn't pass out from the pain I was going to die!! I sent Pat a message and told him I could not drive to my appt and he needed to take me. Once we got to the hospital I couldnt walk and had to be pushed in by a wheel chair. Once in the waiting room my doctor saw me and came out and gave me a hug and told me to hang in there and she would see what was going on. I told her if she didn't help me I was driving the car off the roof of the parking structure. I know it sounds bad but I was having back labor and it felt like a blow torch was on my back while all the bones were breaking. Pat told her she HAD to do something and to give me drugs.

Once we got back to the clinic room we found out I was 4cm dilated and I could be admitted. She also told me I could get an epidural. I have to tell you that was the best news I had heard and they couldn't move me to a room fast enough! They were very busy that day on the floor and had women in every room including the 7th floor where women were sharing rooms. Luckily I had an awesome doctor who made a few phone calls and I got a room all to myself with a wonderful nurse.

We got settled into our room, I got my epidural and then we waited. A few hrs before Grace was born her cord kept getting crunched and that had to be one of the scariest moments. Our nurse started calling for help and all of a sudden the room was filled with nurses and doctors trying to get her to move and move me. They placed a couple monitors on her and I had to lay a certain way so I wouldn't crush the cord.

Soon it was time to push and I was lucky enough to have her after a little less than 30min of pushing. They placed her on my chest and Pat cut her cord. She was beautiful but I knew something wasnt right, she was lifeless and not crying. They quickly grabbed her and a crew of doctors and nurses came running in. My baby Grace wasn't breathing. I couldn't breath, time felt like it had completely stopped. The nurses were blocking my view so I wouldn't panic but I could hear them talking. Finally I heard her gasp and make a little noise. It was the most beautiful noise I had ever heard.

They explained to me that all of her test came back normal so she just needed a little help breathing and getting started from the shock of being born. She was perfect.

Grace Ryan Clouse was born at 11:14pm on May 5th, 2010. She weighed 7lbs 3oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. She has a full head of dark long hair, 10 fingers, 10 toes, and is such a mellow calm baby. She only fusses when she is hungry and has a dirty diaper. She's wonderful.

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