Pat and I have grown stronger together as a couple in so many ways throughout this process. He has been so supportive and I can never thank him enough.
Friday we went in for our embyro transfer. There they are! How many people get to see their possible children at an embryo cell stage? Not many! We are praying these two little ones stick and find a happy home inside for the next 9 months. The ART lab decided on these 2 since they were 8 cells and graded A.
It was very exciting watching the whole process on an ultrasound machine. We were given a picture of the 2 embryo's and 2 ultrasound pictures of them inside my uterus after they were transferred. It was truly amazing. We pray that this works and we will have a good outcome from all of this. We would love to be able to have the two stick but we know our odds and chances. We are staying positive yet also guarded. The ART lab was going to freeze the other embryo's not used and I believe we have at least 9 they were going to be able to freeze.
Since the transfer I have been doing nothing! I lay in bed or lay on the couch. Thats about it! I went to acupuncture the day of the transfer and CVS the next day. Exciting!

Yesterday I received a package from Erin, Lindsey, & Alta. (and Rich too). It was filled with a ton of little goodies to help me relax. They wrote a beautiful card and gave me a zebra print snuggie, an eye mask, tiara, candle, relaxing bath salts, candy, and put a couple coloring books and crayons in there for Pat to practice his creativity on instead of drawing on me...long story! Let's just make this short and sweet...Im getting daily progesterone shots that have to go in the muscle, aka butt. I had Pat draw a circle on each cheek with a black sharpie and I ended up with a big happy face on my ass for the day of the retrieval.
Im off work until Tuesday and then we sit and wait. We will be able to take a blood pregnancy test in a little less than 2 weeks but we have decided to wait on sharing the results with family and friends until after we come back from vacation. We hope that you will all understand and grant us this one wish. We have been through so much already and if this doesnt work we will need time to adjust and accept the outcome together without a ton of people asking us if we are pregnant the day we receive the results. We will share the outcome after September 7th. Until then only sticky thoughts!
looks like you have two good little embryo's chillin like villans.
praying and praying...and ONLY thinking the best and most wonderful thoughts for you and pat and your family.
***just a warning on the pregnancy test that you might buy.
i would get pissed at the ones that said "pregnant" or "NOT pregnant"...I felt like they were mocking me or laughing...only buy the ones two lines or one lines.
after you get the postive...then buy the PREGNANT kind, and don't forget to take pics :) luv,jodi
Good luck girl! pullin for ya!
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