Thursday, January 22, 2009

Update on the Clouse's

It's 2009 and of course we had to ring it in with a Bang!

So far Pat and I have accomplished quite a bit and still have a list to contend to. We have been able to cross off several things on our 2009 To-Do List.

Right after the New Year Pat and I remodeled the bathroom. We still need to do a little bit of painting but for the most part it's done! What a tackle that was. We replaced everything but the bathtub! It took us 4 days to complete it and we did it all ourselves...well Pat did it. Our bathroom is so tiny you can sit on the toilet and take a shower at the same time so it was quite difficult to have 2 people in it at the same time. I picked out the items and Pat installed. What a great team!

I had the itch to continue remodeling so I cleared out my office which I only used to throw stuff in when company was on there way or it was too early to think and came across something before going to work and I knew I didn't want Emma aka the Vacuum to eat while we were away. Things would pile up, it was dusty, it just wasn't a use able room. So I turned it into a sitting room. I have pictures on the walls, books to read, and a door to look out that is all windows. I love to have the door open because I can see the back yard and all the wildlife that walks around in the field behind the house. I keep my binoculars by the door just in case I see a deer, or maybe the new neighbors next door, or just in case I need to patrol around to make sure every one's keeping peace.

I also re-arranged our bedroom. I was tired of the setup and decided a change was due. I'm famous for re-arranging a room before any family members get home. That way they cant say to put it back because everything is done, put away, and no one wants to help put it back the way it was. We had a few incidents with the furniture move in the bedroom. Pat almost fell off the bed, Turbo became disoriented one morning and walked the wrong way and I tried to get out of bed and walked into the wall. We are slowly learning. I still have few things to do with the bedroom, get new curtain rods and dust!

Other than the house things have stayed the same as they were in 2008. I'm working in Pediatric Nephrology in Mott at the University of Michigan. Pat is still with Fischer Honda in Ypsilanti. Emma eats everything in site and has a taste for cd's, batteries, electrical cords & dirt. Turbo is as big as a house and just wants to be cuddled. Mitzi is getting older but still has a fighting attitude, in fact she reminded Emma that it was not ok to move her bed while she was sleeping on it to cover the famous Emma ball. Ypsi, what can I say about Ypsi. She is still a kitten, full of life, knows when to do her sad cry and loves to cuddle.

Ryan is working for Siemens and is currently working in Texas. He enjoys the money but has to put in long hours. He is working at the current job for a few more weeks. (Good thing since I turned his bedroom into storage until I can move everything into the attic )

I wont bore you with the list of still to-do things but I will update you as we cross them of our list!

1 comment:

Rache said...

The bathroom looks awesome. Good Work you guys. I bet it feels good to accomplish something like that. I love rearranging rooms too. The house looks good. Wish I could see it in person.