Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wellness Exam

So going through my email about a month ago I came across an email that was sent to me to sign up for a "wellness program" sponsored by the UofM. I quickly deleted it because it was taking up space in my email box. Then a couple days later I hear my co-worker Tristen say $100 for a wellness exam, I'm signing up, did you? What! Where? When? came out of my mouth. That group email I deleted without reading was worth $100!! I quickly went through my trash and found the email. She was right! $100 for filling out an online form and 30 minutes of my time!

Today was my day! I signed up for the exam. All I needed to do was tell them how inactive I was, all the things I don't do like workout, eat right, and pay attention to my food intake on an online questionnaire. Then I had to go get measured, my weight taken (yikes!), blood pressure monitored and a cholestoral test.

It was the easiest $100 I have ever made. Here I thought I would get lectured about how unhealthy I was but in the end I turned out to be pretty average!! I was also told my job was obviously not stressfull because my blood pressure came in at 102/79!

So I would like to take a moment and thank the University of Michigan for giving me $100 and telling me I am an average 30 year old female.

I checked out the small print and they forgot to add that you could only sign up once! I am free everyday this week, next week, and the week after. Im sure in the end after its all said and done I could show up enough times to pay my mortgage :)

1 comment:

Rache said...

what a deal! I would love to make money like that everyday.