Saturday, February 21, 2009

When will they learn to drive???

So this morning Ryan and I were being lazy and all of a sudden we here this huge bang and a crack as if a tree fell. I yell to Ry if it was him, NO he yelled back. I look around to see what one of the animals could have gotten into and everything was in place. I walked back into the living room and something caught my eye. Cars going off the road in our front yard!! I run to the window and see some poor soul walking down the road holding a tire! Right across the street was some lady running around talking on her cell, and about 3 houses down a car in the front yard of my neighbors. I run outside to see what was going on...still in my pj's, robe, snow boots, and Pat's garage jacket. Let's just say I looked like an old Russian lady running around. I go out to the front yard and yell to the people across the street if everyone was ok. I heard them yell yes and then heard them start complaining about the ditch along side of the pavement. I then thought alright everyone's ok, I'll just go inside where its warm and grab my binoculars and watch from the living room :)

Above is a pic of the poor fireman that had to stand in our driveway and direct traffic. A couple of times he had to run up the driveway away from cars spinning out trying to avoid the accident. It was pretty humorous.

The firetruck came to rescue the lady on her cell phone

Of course Emma & Turbo were stuck to the window the whole time on patrol!

Right there, there she is! The one on her cell in the fancy snow boots. It was all her fault!

The poor soul struck by the other lady.
And I thought I was going to have a relaxing weekend! I had to spend a good 2 hours watching this mess!


Class of 1970 said...

Gladys Kravitz is alive and well and living in Ypsilanti, Michigan!


Clouse House said...

Haha the nosey neighbor across the street! Yep thats me. Everyone knows it and Im the first they get ahold of when they want to know something! :)

Rache said...

hey i need to get me some binoculars too. I can't believe I dont have any yet!

Anonymous said...

What are you planning to entertain the doggies next.. This might be a hard one to follow.. good luck , and power to the pooches kiss the noses for me..

M ( in Nashville,) we had about a half inch of snow last night and more accidents.. whay are people so sumb, snow, ice go slow..

jodi said...

this is some craziness...i really enjoyed reading your blog!